Where smart teams are making investments in 2022

The Great Resignation presents an opportunity.  What’s being widely discussed is that employees are finding leverage and the ability to quit jobs that aren’t offering what they are looking for. What’s not being discussed is the opportunity that exists for organizations as well!  It’s been twelve years (and 27 million views!) since Daniel Pink’s Ted…

Breaking the Ice: A Virtual Adaptation

A fun, creative, curiosity inspiring, ice breaker activity that’s easily adapted to virtual format. Try it in your next team meeting to build interpersonal connections in your team. (In case you missed why this would be important Step-by-Step Instructions Instruct all to grab a blank index card/piece of paper and a pen and have them…

Thoughts On: WFH Is Corroding Our Trust in Each Other

Reading this article from the Harvard Business Review and given what we know about experiential learning, engagement, psychology and connection, this warning really struck a chord. I wholeheartedly agree with the authors’ assertion that widespread WFH policies are creating big challenges for how we establish and maintain trust in our workplace relationships. Some key takeaways:…