The Power of Music: A Pandemic Case Study

Some pandemic inspired research has turned up some fascinating data with very hopeful implications that we are excited to share with you. A team of social neuroscience researchers from Bar-Ilan University in Israel and University of Chicago, took a look at what happens in the brain when we listen to music socially and were able…

Employee Engagement: Choosing the Right Program

Many organizational leaders think promoting employee engagement creates a thriving culture — and measuring engagement has become a norm in recent decades. Numerous studies have shown that engagement drives many outcomes, including financial performance, employee retention, safety, and customer service. Engagement is foundational to well-being, and key to building a resilient and thriving culture. Employee…

Strengths Discovery: ACTIVATOR

Great teams are able to combine each other’s talent themes/strengths to: Build relationships: establish connections with others to build trust, share ideas and get work done. Communicate Clearly: Listen, share information succinctly and be receptive to others’ opinions. Create Accountability: Identify the consequences of actions and hold everyone responsible for performance. Develop People: Help others…

Breaking the Ice: A Virtual Adaptation

A fun, creative, curiosity inspiring, ice breaker activity that’s easily adapted to virtual format. Try it in your next team meeting to build interpersonal connections in your team. (In case you missed why this would be important Step-by-Step Instructions Instruct all to grab a blank index card/piece of paper and a pen and have them…

The Surreal Journey Since 2020

What a surreal journey we have all walked from March 2020 to now. We’ve all been through so many stages… From the TP and disinfecting wipe shortages, in-depth tutorials on handwashing techniques to the baking sourdough/banana bread while wearing nothing but sweatpants phases. Remember the banging pots and pans to thank healthcare workers, and looking…

one moment meditation

Better Work / Living Tips

Even in the most rewarding careers there’s an element of stress. Those of us who love what we do can still experience emotional and physical fatigue after a long day’s work. There is an added burden of stress and anxiety right now. Upping how we care for our own health is extra important at this…

Is your team at work psychologically safe?

Is your team at work psychologically safe? Think for a moment about your work and the team you work with and ask yourself the following questions: Do we feel comfortable in team meetings asking about things we do not know or understand?  Or do we generally try to maintain an image of perfection? Do we…

Thoughts On: WFH Is Corroding Our Trust in Each Other

Reading this article from the Harvard Business Review and given what we know about experiential learning, engagement, psychology and connection, this warning really struck a chord. I wholeheartedly agree with the authors’ assertion that widespread WFH policies are creating big challenges for how we establish and maintain trust in our workplace relationships. Some key takeaways:…